Our Programs
Our Programs
(Nuestros Programas)
(Nuestros Programas)
Find the medical service that meets your needs at Community Outreach Medical Center. We offer a range of programs for noninsured and underinsured individuals and families in Southern Nevada. Services are offered at a low cost flat rate fee. We do not have an application process to qualify for our low cost services*. Learn more about our medical services below.
General Medicine

(Medicina General)
At COMC, we believe in treating the family as a whole. A family physician is concerned with the total health care of the individual and the family and is trained to diagnose and treat a wide variety of ailments in patients of all ages. COMC's family physicians receive a broad range of training to treat children, adolescents, adults, and elderly at different stages of their lives.

Cancer Screening
(Programa de Deteccion del Cancer)
Early detection leads to greater success in breast or cervical cancer intervention. We offer breast exams, pap smears, testicular exams, prostate exams and referrals for mammograms and ultrasounds at low costs.

Women's Health
(Servicios de salud de lamujer)
Well Women's Exams
Pap Smears
Breast Exams
Pregnancy Tests
Gynecology Services
Birth Control
Referrals for Mammograms

STI/STD Testing and Tretment
(Examenes y Tratamiento de Enfermedades Transmitidas Sexualmente)
We provide affordable and confidential on-site diagnosis as well as treatment of sexually transmitted infections such as Syphilis, Chlamydia, genital warts, and Herpes. We also make referrals to other reliable health specialists and outreach services.

What is DoxyPEP?
(Programa de DoxyPEP)
DoxyPEP is a post-exposure preventative treatment for syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Think of it as a morning-after pill but for bacterial STIs instead of pregnancy: take one dose after a condomless sexual encounter to greatly reduce your risk of contracting bacterial STIs.
DoxyPEP does NOT help prevent:
Mpox (monkeypox)
Other Viral Infections

HIV/AIDS Program
(Programa de VIH/SIDA)
Turn to us for primary health care and medical case management in a prompt and compassionate manner. We respect your privacy, which is why we promise to keep your care strictly confidential.
To assist you with your medical and support needs, we can also refer you to other relevant agencies. Our HIV/AIDS program is funded through Ryan White Title A and Minority AIDS Initiative grants.All patients must apply and be eligible for Ryan White A. Click here for eligibility checklist.
Our HIV/AIDS Ryan White Services Include:
Eligibility for Ryan White Part A Service
Primary Medical Care
Medical Case Management
Support Groups
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Prevention and Education

PrEP Program
(Programa de Profilaxis prexposicion)
Protect Yourself from HIV everyday -- PrEP
PrEP is a daily pill that can protect HIV-negative people if taken every day.
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a prevention option for people who are at high risk of getting HIV. It’s meant to be taken routinely every day, and to be used with other prevention options, such as condoms. Find out if PrEP is right for you.

(Programa de Cabenuva)
Stay undetected one shot six times a year!
CABENUVA is a complete prescription regimen used to treat HIV-1 infection in people 12 years and older who weigh at least 77 lbs (35 kg) to replace their current HIV-1 medicines when their healthcare provider determines they meet certain requirements.
COMC offers Cabenuva injections Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Service Rates and Fees